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Product Spotlight: Essential Guide To Our New Gate Closers

02 June 2021Appears in Products
Product Spotlight: Essential Guide To Our New Gate Closers
A gate closer is a self-closing, easy-to-install system that closes a gate or external door at a safe, consistent, and controlled speed. Our two new gate closers can be fixed to the bracket by either welding on closing gas strut or screw fixed hydraulic closer fitting them to a range of different types of new and existing gates, they can be simply attached to the existing hinges.

Product Spotlight: Essential Guide To Our New Gate Closers

If you're seeking for a measure to secure that your residential or commercial pedestrian gate stays securely closed, a gate closer could be the answer. The installation of a gate closer would ensure that your external gate or door is not left open, which could be vital for security and safety reasons.

What is a Gate Closer?

A gate closer is a self-closing, easy-to-install system that closes a gate or external door at a safe, consistent, and controlled speed. The gate may be easily opened and closed by hand after installation, and it closes at a safe speed when released.

Our two new gate closers can be fixed to the bracket by either welding on closing gas strut or screw fixed hydraulic closer fitting them to a range of different types of new and existing gates, they can be simply attached to the existing hinges. They are all compatible with Palisade, Mesh and Railing Gates.

Hydraulic Gate Closer

The Hydraulically Operated Gate Closer and Top Hinge set ensures that pedestrian gates close slowly and securely. The hydraulic damping in the gate closers allows for a controlled closing speed, allowing people to pass through securely even when the wind is severe. This device is ideal for use on playground and school gates that require speed adjustment when shutting.

The Hydraulic Closer closes gates up to 150kg safely and reliably. The unit is mounted and welded beneath the gate, making it unobtrusive and hidden within its own steel container. It also serves as a lower load-bearing hinge.

This system is quick and easy to install and no power is needed for installation. The closing unit fits underneath the gate making it vandal resistant. A top hinge is fully adjustable to enable the gate to be positioned correctly after installation. The latch speed can be set separately for the closing speed of the gate. The closer and bottom hinge require no maintenance however the top hinge should be kept lubricated with a suitable grease.

Using the specific key supplied, the closing speed can be readily modified. Furthermore, because of the two separate speed adjustment valves, the latching and closing speeds can be set independently. In addition, a fully adjustable top bracket is included. Finally, the top hinge is movable, allowing the gate to be properly positioned after installation.

The APSSTOP kit comes with a special built-in stop hinge which will prevent the gate from opening wider than 90 degrees. It consequently protects the closer from any damage.

Key Features:

  • Robust – The closing unit fits underneath the gate making it vandal resistant.
  • Strong – Can be used to reliably close gates up to 150kg.
  • Easy to install – As it is a hydraulic closer, no power is needed.
  • Unobtrusive – The closer also acts as a load bearing lower hinge.
  • Adjustable – A top hinge assembly which is fully adjustable to enable the gate to be positioned correctly after installation
  • Option on top hinges – Built in standard hinge or with built in stop to prevent the gate opening more than 90° and damaging the closer.

Closing Gas Strut

Due to its appropriateness for a wide range of applications, including commercial gates, ornamental wrought iron, and timber gates, the Gas Strut is a top seller.

The GSB gate closer is suited for shutting gates up to 80kg and is dependable and long-lasting. Simply weld or screw the brackets to the gate and post, and the closer the brackets are to the gate and post, the better.

The gas strut is situated on the inside of the gate, and its muted action prevents the gate from slamming shut. Due to the revolutionary design of the accompanying adjustable brackets, installation is extremely simple. They can also be fitted to new and existing gate, where the hinges for the gate are already installed.

Key Features:

  • Adaptable – The closer comes with either weld on or screw fixed brackets for fitting to a range of different gate types.
  • Reliable – A proven closer that has been closing gates regularly for many years.
  • Adjustable force – No need to release gas, the closer can be moved along the brackets to increase or decrease the force. This means the strength of the close can be adjusted.
  • Easy to fit – Adjustable brackets also mean there is no need to compress the strut when fitting to a gate.

Don’t forget here at First Fence, we offer a wide range of security gates and fencing, please do not hesitate if you have any questions, give us a call on 01283 512111, or you can contact us on our website and live chat where someone will be happy to help.

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