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First Fence is proud to have been re-accredited its LPS 1175

22 January 2025Appears in Memberships and Certificates
First Fence is proud to have been re-accredited its LPS 1175
First Fence is proud to have been re-accredited its LPS 1175 as a further extension to the ISO 9001 Quality Management accreditation.

First Fence is proud to have been re-accredited its LPS 1175

First Fence is proud to have been re-accredited its LPS 1175 as a further extension to the ISO 9001 Quality Management accreditation.

The team has absolutely excelled in their latest Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) FPC audit, achieving zero major or minor non-conformances. 

This result reinforces our commitment to providing customers and suppliers with complete confidence in our ability to maintain full control over the LPS 1175 manufacturing process, and the reassurance that our internal processes are strategic and watertight.

Following the success of our ProFence® and PaliFence® fence and gate range, this allows First Fence to continue to listen to market requirements and develop more high security products with the backing of LPCB.

Part of our journey for accreditation involves connecting a variety of departments and developing their understanding of the pivotal role they play in their contribution to delivering high security fencing.

Successfully prepping LPS 1175 for fabrication

Prepping LPS 1175 high security fencing and gates is easy, if the following steps are followed and adhered to!

  1. Sales order reflects security standard - Ensure sales order reflects the approved product name and standard i.e. ProFence SR1
  2. Obtain drawings from automated creators - Use the LPS 1175 fabrication hub to access the automated drawing creators
  3. Drawings created from approved list - Only produce cut, weld, and fabrication works orders from the approved drawing obtained in the automated drawing creator
  4. SKU's must match the drawing creator - The drawing creator will list the exact production SKU's and quantities to use, any deviation from this must be run through the drawing office
  5. Raising external supplier paperwork - Always ensure external paperwork for galvanising and zinc including a reference to the product and security standard, to prevent contamination with normal stock

Successfully Fabricating LPS 1175

Fabricating LPS 1175 high security fencing and gates is easy, if the following essential steps are followed and adhered to!

  1. Certified to work on custom fabrication? - Before starting work, ensure your name is updated on the latest skills matrix held by the SHEQ department
  2. Weld samples up to date? - Ensure your monthly weld sample is up to date and logged in the Calibration room
  3. Calibration records up to date? - Double check that measuring equipment has been calibrated before use. If in doubt, dispose, log, and re-obtain
  4. Fabrication outside approved tolerance - If fabrication work exceeds tolerance from approved drawings, move works into the non-conformance stillage and complete the non-conformance log
  5. When finished correctly store - All certified fabricated items are to be stored in the designated LPS 1175 holding bay for goods awaiting Galv or PPC. Ensure stock is not mixed into general stock 

Successfully Purchasing LPS 1175

Purchasing LPS 1175 high security fencing and gates is easy, if the following steps are followed and adhered to!

  1. Do items need replenishment? - Ensure items that are purchased are sourced only from the approved suppliers held on certified material registers for the range in question 

  2. Supplier compliance questionnaire - Ensure the annual supplier questionnaire has been completed before proceeding to raise any orders 

  3. Items out of stock? - If a supplier is proposing a substitute item, a BF0929 modification must be completed and sent to the BRE before items are used in the fabrication or supply of certified products 

  4. Material certificates held for items - When possible, ensure material certificates are obtained for each order, and ensure this is within the certified tolerance of the approved material register

  5. Critical component storage - When items are ordered to replenish critical components, ensure the receiving depot is aware on where to store critical component items to prevent contamination with normal stock

Successfully Selling LPS 1175

Selling LPS 1175 high security fencing and gates is easy, if the following steps are followed and adhered to!

  1. Understand the requirement - Listen out for the following buzz words: LPS 1175, SR1, SR2, SR3, A1, B3, C5, High security, delayed attack, certified height
  2. Correctly handled by the right person - Ensure the enquiry is handled by one of our trained and nominated LPS 1175 product champions
  3. Ensure it says SR1 in the description - Only items listed as SR1 can be sold as an LPS 1175 compliant product. Ensure the correct standard is selected to the customers requirement
  4. No modifications allowed to products - Always ensure that any requests for modifications are given to the drawing office first. A mod request (BF 0929 form) will be submitted to the BRE before we can take payment
  5. If in doubt always ask - If in doubt about the requirements, capabilities or descriptions, always ask the drawing office to clarify before accepting an order for high security fencing or gates


Please see our LPCB product approval certificates for our ProFence® and PaliFence® SR1 accredited fencing and gates: 

ProFence® SR1 Mesh Fencing Certificate 

ProFence®SR1 Mesh Gates Certificate 

PaliFence® SR1 Palisade Fencing LPS 1175 Certificate 

PaliFence®SR1 Palisade Gate LPS 1175 Certificate 

For more information, please contact our sales team on 01283 512111 or email

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