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All New Armco Safety Accessories

15 March 2019Appears in Products
All New Armco Safety Accessories
We are extremely pleased to launch our new accessories that fit perfectly with the Armco Safety Barrier system

We are extremely pleased to launch our new accessories that fit perfectly with the Armco Safety Barrier system.

Our new easy to install and highly secure corners and ends will add not only a clear visibility to any property or walkway but also provide an extra sense of security with protection from the corrugated steel edges.

What is it made from?

The new covers are made from polyethylene and have been polymer dipped in order to provide strength and durability. This also means that they are completely recyclable, so not only providing you with high-quality protection but also providing the sustainability required for your business needs.

What different types are there?

90 Degree Internal Corners

90 Degree Internal Corners

The internal safety corner is designed to be used alongside your Armco safety barrier system. This corner is perfect for use in private estates, car parks, company property and even farmlands, with the main aim to draw attention to the barrier itself, reducing the likelihood of an impact. Should a crash occur, the corner will defer much of the inflicted damage from the vehicles as well as the premises.

90 Degree External Corners

90 Degree External Corners

The external corner is designed to enable usage around corners without the need for breaks within your impact barrier system. In comparison to the traditional steel corners, this plastic corner promotes a much more striking appearance. Therefore, raising awareness of the surroundings with standout diamond grade reflectors situated in the polymer corners.

135 Degree Internal Corners

135 Degree Internal Corners

The internal corners add an extra safety value to the barriers themselves as they draw attention to the barrier itself. The diamond grade reflectors, white on the yellow corners and yellow on the black corners, further the underlining safety requirements of the barriers themselves. This is due to the added visibility the reflectors enhance the overall safety of the environment.

135 Degree External Corners

135 Degree External Corners

These crash barrier corners perfectly provide suitable security and safety to commercial and industrial properties. Within these environments, the safety of workers and pedestrians is key, hence why such a vivid corner is an added presence to the surroundings.

Pedestrian Safety Ends

Pedestrian Safety Ends

Pedestrian Safety Ends are available in yellow and black colours and are designed to fit onto the end of your Armco Safety Barrier Beam. They are pedestrian friendly, leaving no sharp edges or corners that pedestrians can snag themselves on, eliminating the risk of injuries from this occurring.

Safety Ends

Safety Ends

This Safety End is designed to put a safe protective cover over the edge of your Armco Barrier to eliminate any sharp edges whilst maintaining the level of protection needed for the Armco system.

I Beams Top Caps

I Beams Top Caps

These highly flexible top caps protect both the top and bottom end of the beams. By fitting one of these caps you do protect the beam itself but also you are protecting any individual that may come into contact with the beam itself.

Fishtail Safety Ends

Fishtail Safety Ends

The fishtail end is designed to mould around the terminating end of the barrier. This is suggested to be installed as it can drastically reduce damage from impact. This reduction not only benefits your company, as the barrier itself is likely to receive less longstanding damage but also will benefit the person in question as their vehicle is less likely to encounter serious damage. This is due to the flexibility on the product and its design to spring back as much as possible when hit.

Internal and External Corners

Internal and External Corners

Our new range also includes the option to have internal and/or external covers for cornering's on your Armco safety barrier. The option to have either a 90 Degree or 135 Degree angle polyethylene cover enables higher visibility for your run.

Other Key Features


We can offer traffic yellow style edges for more industry-based work or for a more commercial or 'front of house' need we can offer a sleek black design.


Many of the products come with Diamond Grade reflectors installed to the covers. This is highly beneficial to any company or pedestrianised area as it adds that extra visibility to the barrier. This is mainly used by vehicle uses when they are trying to judge the level of space they have around the property's perimeters.

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