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Introducing our new Combi A1 Rated (SR1) High Security Palisade Fencing!

03 February 2021Appears in Products
Introducing our new Combi A1 Rated (SR1) High Security Palisade Fencing!
The Combi A1 Rated is the next generation of high security fencing in which successfully achieves a Security Rating A1 (SR1) to LPS 1175 Issue: 8. The design of the system has been developed to ensure high resistance to impact and strong retention of power making it far more difficult for would be intruders to remove to gain access to your site.

Introducing our new Combi A1 Rated (SR1) High Security Palisade Fencing!

The Combi A1 Rated is the next generation of Security Rated Palisade Fencing whereby the design of the system has been developed with a unique D-section pales slide through the rail via a V-slot design to ensure that the pales are securely fixed in place. It not only works as a visual deterrent but also has been heavily tested and would perform if attacked to offer protection to various high- security sites.

The robust palisade security fencing system has been created to meet the high security requirements of:

  • High Security Buildings
  • Industrial and Commercial Premises
  • Airports
  • Critical Infrastructures
  • Data Centres

The new systems provides a valuable layer of protection for property from damage or theft. It also works to keep all staff and individuals that are on- site safe from intruders, who might otherwise be at risk.

Features and Benefits:

The main advantage of this High Security Palisade Fencing is that it offers a stronger level of security and ensures that it provides a defence from intruders to deter people from breaking in. This fencing has been put through tests, the tests have shown that this product takes a longer amount of time to break through than standard products. Due to this it makes it a cost-effective solution to your requirements. This product is also easy to install.

Key Features:

  • Full certification to LPS 1175 Security Rating A1 Issue:8
  • Pales that pass through the rails, offering an unmoveable pale.
  • Full certification to Secured by Design – a Police preferred specification
  • Compatible with Electric Fencing and Perimeter Intruder Detection, CCTV to give maximum security.
  • Resistance to vandalism and attack.
  • Panels designed to rake to uneven ground conditions without onsite work being required.


Combi Palisade high-security fencing successfully achieves Security Rating A1 (SR1) to LPS 1175 Issue: 8 and has been developed to have its advantages over any other form of security fence, due to its resistance to impact and retention of strength. It has been tested and certified to provide the maximum level of protection against opportunistic attacks and has undergone LPS 1175 test devised by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB).


Fence Height Available:1.8-3.0m (1.8, 2.0, 2.1, 2.4, 3.0m)
Bay Width:2750mm (post centre to post centre)
Pale Type:D Section Pale - Single Point
Material:Galvanised Steel
Powder Coated Colours:Black, Green, Blue, Red, Grey and Brown

Check our a video further explaining our new Combi A1 High-Security Palisade Fencing:





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