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Concrete Feet available online!

27 January 2017Appears in Products
Concrete Feet available online!
When working on a project that requires privacy and security, you may consider the use of Steel Hoarding Panels.

Concrete Feet Available Online!

When working on a project that requires privacy and security, you may consider the use of Steel Hoarding Panels. Incredibly useful for concealing tools and equipment, the security of your site will be consistently maintained. However, to give your Steel Hoarding Panels a safe and secure base it is highly recommended that you use our Concrete Feet. Designed to provide a stable base for your temporary Steel Hoarding system, these Concrete Feet are the heaviest base we supply.

These Concrete Feet are an integral piece of equipment when erecting temporary Steel Hoarding as they provide high resilience to the wind. As health and safety is incredibly important when working on a site, you need to be certain that your steel hoarding panels can withstand harsh weather, such as high winds. Concrete Feet provide this stable base you need to ensure this safety is conserved. The concrete feet we supply have variable post hole sizes to suit the Steel Hoarding you have purchased. Out post hole sizes come in either 40-45mm or 45-50mm in diameter. If your project involved need for a large amount of Steel Hoarding, and consequently a large amount of Concrete Blocks, you can easily save money by ordering in bulk. Depending on your requirements, these Concrete Feet also come with Health and Safety signs to keep your workers safe on site. The perfect accompaniment to your temporary Steel Hoarding Panels, these Concrete Feet will provide the stability your site requires, whether you are working on a small or large project.

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